Monday, November 2, 2015

I Love Being a Christian ... Do You?

I truly love being a Christian!... and it is such a blessing!

When I wake up in the morning it is my prayer that God would make me a blessing in many, many ways — that others may be blessed.

To be a blessing to others is always my desire and I do hope my blog may bless you.

Everyday we receive God's gifts freely — great or small. He wants us to enjoy and share these bountiful blessings to others.

I always find a joy reading from His word — the Bible. I love reading God's promises and it is such a blessing reading and rereading them.

I also enjoy reading funny Christian jokes that give me good laughs.

Listening to Christian music and hymns from Maranatha and Heritage singers are very inspiring for me.

In my next post I will share with you one of God's promises that gives me peace.